
adventist chaplaincy ministries blue

Chaplaincy Ministries

Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries (ACM) is comprised of trained chaplains, from diverse backgrounds, who are committed to Jesus-Christ and the global mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. These men and women desire to help people in the sites where they minister and share with them the soon coming of Jesus.

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Adventist Possibility Ministry

Adventist Possibility Ministry

Adventist Possibility Ministries seek to bring wholeness to all in a world that is broken. This ministry has a unique opportunity of not only proclaiming, but also emphasizing the value and dignity of each person.

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Children Ministry

Children’s Ministries

Children’s Ministries is about developing the faith of children ages birth to fourteen. While Sabbath School provides religious education once a week, Children’s Ministries looks at the whole child and seeks to provide multiple ministries that will lead them to Jesus and disciple them in their daily walk with Him.

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Adventist Mission

Communication Ministry

The Communication Department’s mission is centered around the idea of fostering hope and connectivity. Our goal is to establish strong connections by effectively engaging with the diverse church audiences, whether they are within or beyond the church community. Through our efforts, we aim to build bridges that inspire hope and facilitate meaningful communication among all individuals involved.

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Education Ministry

Education Ministry

The Education Department was founded with the primary purpose of serving as a prominent platform for religious instruction within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Its core mission revolves around imparting and spreading the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the younger generation, including children and youth. The department is dedicated to nurturing their faith and ensuring that they receive a comprehensive religious education aligned with the principles and values of the Seventh-day Adventist faith.

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Family Ministry

Family Ministries

The Department of Family Ministries focuses on people in relationships within the church and community, in the context of family living.

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Health Ministry

Health Ministries

We believe that God is deeply interested in the health and well-being of humanity, and that He wants to use His church as a special agent of healing to relieve suffering and reveal His love.

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Adventist Mission

Ministerial Association

The Ministerial Association serves pastors, pastors’ families, local church elders, company leaders, and Ministerial Association Secretaries.

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Ministerial Spouses Association

The Ministerial Association serves pastors, pastors’ families, local church elders, company leaders, and Ministerial Association Secretaries.

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Adventist Mission


The Literature Ministry exists to share the gospel of Hope to all the world at this crucial moment in Rwanda history through publications in all its form. We work closely with other mass media like radio and internet.

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Adventist Mission


The history of the Seventh-day Adventist church is replete with evidence of youth being in the forefront of the mission activities of the Advent Movement. Our pioneers were young when they zealously proclaimed the second coming of Jesus Christ.

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